Mobile app for track personal finance

This application is designed for personal finance management and is a personal project I am currently working on. For this project, I have developed the logo, designed the multi-platform app interface, web version, and created promotional materials for store listings.


The app’s logo incorporates the first letter of its name, designed as a pie chart, which visually represents spending across various categories.


Design system

A comprehensive design system was developed for the app, including a color palette, color tokens for both light and dark themes, and a set of fonts and components for use in the mobile app and web version.

Design system

Banks icons

I created custom icons for popular banks in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, UK, Germany, Belarus, Canada, and Italy, reflecting the app’s intended launch markets.

Banks icons

Light and dark themes

Since the colors are designed in pairs, switching the app to a dark theme requires minimal effort and can be done within minutes.

Light and dark themes Light and dark themes

Entity cards

All components are built using autolayouts and are rendered in every state. These components are utilized in both the mobile app and the web version, with detailed considerations for overflow cases, custom text scaling, null states, shimmers, and more.



The app supports various entities where money can be stored, such as bank accounts, cash wallets, and piggy banks.

Budget category

Budget category

Expense categories will show when you exceed your budget.

Goals and Credit

Goals and Credit

Users can set savings goals, and the app visually tracks progress toward achieving these goals.

Start flow

During the first launch, the app guides users through a step-by-step setup where they add the necessary entities for ongoing management: income sources, accounts, and expense categories.

Start flow

Desctop version

I separately developed and built the adaptive web version of the application, ensuring that all app functionalities are accessible from a browser.



The transaction screen allows users to add transactions by dragging and dropping icons or by dropping them into specific accounts or expense categories. Expense categories feature a circular progress bar that shows spending against the planned amount.

Light and dark themes Light and dark themes Light and dark themes

Open Acccount

We display the account balance, offer editing options, and enable users to log expenses or income. Below this, the app shows a history of transactions for each account.

Light and dark themes Light and dark themes Light and dark themes


A detailed financial statistics screen has been implemented, showing the most popular spending categories, income sources, and more, along with the ability to compare statistics over different time periods.

Light and dark themes Light and dark themes

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